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late diagnosed


If you are one of the growing number of people wondering about if you have ADHD - you could now be feeling slightly overwhelmed with your thoughts, feelings and the sheer amount of information out there!

Your new awareness may bring you some relief and understanding however this pivotal moment can also bring new feelings of regret, fear and worry.

Having someone to talk these feelings over with  can be really helpful, a professional who understands how ADHD can impact all areas of life and has the skills and experience to help you navigate ADHD can make a world of difference to how you think and feel.

I have worked with many clients who have both diagnosed and undiagnosed ADHD and also family members adjusting to differences in thought processes and feelings.

As an experienced psychotherapist and qualified ADHD clinical professional I offer my clients a high quality service combining a wide range of techniques to address the past, present and future of living with ADHD symptoms such as forgetfulness, overwhelm, lack of motivation, constant brain chatter and many more subtle symptoms which can go unrecognised.

You can read some more below about why I think it is important to include how you think and feel about your past, present and future in ADHD support sessions.


support sessions

Would you like an ADHD conversation
to better understand your symptoms, problems and future steps?

This will include a summary report to help you make sense of where you are now with your ADHD.

1hr via Zoom

This is suitable for people who either have an ADHD diagnosis or feel they may be living with ADHD symptoms.

Contact me to book your 'Making sense of my ADHD' conversation.

Why work with your past, present and future?

The past - What you have experienced 

Being able to understand more about the life experiences you had before you became aware of your ADHD is an essential part of adjusting and moving forward.In sessions there will be opportunities, should you wish to explore how symptoms affected you growing up  and where the thoughts and beliefs that developed from these are holding you back today.

The present -  Where you are now

Using my wealth of professional and personal experience along with the latest ADHD research  I will use my own carefully created guides and tools to help you get the most out of each support session. Starting from where you are right now across all areas of your life that ADHD symptoms show up in.

The future - Where you would like to be

Moving forward involves careful reflection and understanding. I will help you take those next steps from a place which is based on self awareness and authenticity. Your unique choices and aims for managing ADHD symptoms and living your best life.

  • ​​New to everything ADHD
  • Unsure about clinical ADHD diagnosis 
  • Waiting for an ADHD diagnosis
  • Just diagnosed with questions
  • Need to talk about symptoms 
  • Looking for tools and resources
  • Ready for ADHD Self Assessment 
  • Struggling with ADHD parenting
  1. ​Learn how your ADHD affects your everyday life

  2. Understand how your ADHD presents in subtle ways 
  3. Talk about symptoms you struggle with or mask
  4. Connect patterns of ADHD thoughts and behaviours
  5. Receive helpful tools and resources
  6. Find support from an ADHD professional 
  7. Get the most out of your clinical assessment
  8. Talk to someone who gets the rollercoaster of ADHD
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